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Home Hair Removal vs Clinic Laser Hair Removal: Which is better?

For many people, home-based hair removal is part of the routine. Whether tweezing, shaving, waxing, or using some dodgy laser bought from Amazon, people have found ways to eliminate unwanted hair in the comfort of their homes.

But how do these methods shape up against professional laser hair removal performed by a trained specialist in a registered aesthetics clinic?

Unwanted body hair can be a significant concern for many individuals seeking a smooth and hair-free appearance. As technology has advanced, professional clinic laser hair removal treatments offer a variety of benefits that some may be unaware of when compared to traditional methods.

In this blog, our specialists compare traditional hair removal methods with clinic-based hair removal, highlighting the numerous advantages that make laser treatments the superior choice.

Traditional Hair Removal Methods

What are the options?

As mentioned above, options for hair removal at home come in many different methods. Tweezing can be time-consuming, shaving can cause cuts, waxing can be quite painful, and all of them leave you at risk of missing some hard-to-reach places.

Although these options are cheap to maintain and can provide decent results, even if only for a short while, the repetitive nature can become a burden for some. Especially trying to manage self-care around our busy lives, sitting down for two hours every fortnight to banish the unwanted hairs again can be tedious.

If this works for you, then that’s great. There is no need to change anything. However, if this is not the case and you would like something with more effective and longer-lasting results, clinic-based laser hair removal may be the way to go.

Clinic-Based LAser Hair Removal

How does it work?

Laser hair removal works by directing powerful light and heat energy at the hair follicle to destroy the hair at its root. The hair then grows back slower and lighter in colour, reducing with every session. Should you require permanent results, this can be achieved in 6-10 sessions, significantly reducing regrowth once and for all.

At our clinic in Epping, we exclusively use the Soprano Titanium for all of our hair removal treatments to give our clients the experience and results they deserve. For more information on why we love this laser, check out our 5 reasons why we use the Soprano Titanium for Laser Hair Removal.

What are the Benefits of professional laser hair removal compared with traditional methods?

Clinic hair removal using laser technology is the gold standard in achieving comprehensive and lasting hair removal results. Administered by trained professionals using a state-of-the-art medical-grade laser, this method offers unparalleled benefits that surpass the convenience of home hair removal devices.

Here’s how laser hair removal treatments within a clinic work:

Expertise & Precision

Trained technicians possess in-depth knowledge about different skin types and hair colours, ensuring that the laser parameters are tailored for optimal results and minimal risk of skin damage. They will also have full visibility of all of the hard-to-reach places, giving you the peace of mind that all areas are covered.

Efficiency & Speed

Professional treatments cover larger areas in significantly less time. This efficiency is particularly advantageous for extensive regions like the legs, back, or chest. The treatment can take anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour, depending on the size of the area being treated and the density of the hair.

Longer-lasting Results

Clinic laser hair removal provides more lasting results compared to home devices. The combination of expertise, precise technology, and customised treatment plans significantly reduces hair growth over time.

Clients can enjoy longer periods between sessions due to clinic treatments’ effective and lasting results. If you are looking for long-lasting hair reduction, a single session is not a permanent solution; however, a course of 6-8 sessions can provide near-permanent results for most people.

Enhanced Safety

It has been argued that laser hair removal is the safest and most effective way to remove unwanted facial and body hair. The technology used for the treatment has been designed and developed with patient safety in mind. The lasers used today provide unmatched safety precautions to ensure a comfortable treatment.

It is important to have a consultation before undergoing any treatment to allow your practitioner to understand whether a treatment suits you. At Ashlyns MediSpa, we would never recommend a treatment for you if we deem it dangerous or unsafe.

Improved Comfort

Say goodbye to painful hair removal! Clinic lasers often include cooling mechanisms that soothe the skin during treatment, enhancing comfort levels.

Tailored Approach

The ability to customise treatment parameters ensures that individuals with various skin tones and hair colours can achieve their desired results.

Our Practitioners Recommednation

Laser Hair Removal by a qualified & experienced practitioner

When choosing the most effective and reliable method for hair removal, clinic laser hair removal undeniably takes the lead. While home hair removal devices offer convenience and affordability, they fall short in terms of precision, expertise, and lasting results that clinics can provide.

Investing in clinic laser treatments proves to be the superior choice for people seeking a comprehensive and professional approach to hair removal. Prioritising safety, precision, and long-term results, clinic-based treatments offer a transformative experience that leaves you with the smooth, hair-free skin you desire.

If you are still unsure that this treatment is the one for you, or would like to know more about what the process is like, read our guide on what to expect from your Laser Hair Removal treatment: Before, During & After.

Book a consultation to discuss your hair removal goals with a practitioner

We hope the information above has helped highlight some of the advantages that clinic laser hair removal offers compared to home methods. If you are after longer lasting, more thorough results for your hair removal, nothing quite compares to laser treatment performed by a trained specialist.

If your questions weren’t answered or you want to discuss your treatment, contact our team to take the first step to softer, smoother skin. You can book your consultation online through our booking portal.

We hope to see you soon!