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What to expect from your Laser Hair Removal Treatment: Before, During & After

As traditional hair removal methods become more tedious, you may be considering new methods, such as laser hair removal, but do you know what to expect from the treatment? Even though this popular laser treatment is performed daily worldwide, including at our clinic in Epping, you would be surprised at how little people know about the before, during and after of the treatment process.

The procedure involves a qualified practitioner directing powerful light and heat energy, via the laser, at the hair follicle to destroy the hair at its root. The hair then grows back slower and lighter, reducing with every session. This treatment is one of the safest available treatments and has been FDA-approved for decades.

Our laser treatment specialists are here to help people feel more comfortable with this treatment. In this guide, we’ll explain what you can expect before, during, and after your laser hair removal treatment, including how to prepare and provide adequate aftercare to ensure you get the most from your results.

Before your treatment


Before you undergo any treatment, it is extremely important to carry out an initial consultation with your practitioner. This will allow them to understand your medical history, answer any questions, and help relieve any concerns you may have about the treatment.

We recommend you choose a medically qualified practitioner who is also CQC-registered for your treatment. If not, you may risk complications during the treatment and not receive the promised results.

Pre-treatment preparations

One of the typical pre-treatment instructions required prior to laser hair removal is to shave the area you are having treated. This is to allow the laser to be even more effective and target the follicle much easier without being blocked by dense areas of hair.

It is also important to avoid overexposure to the sun and tanning beds in the days leading up to your appointment. This is because tanned skin can increase your risk of side effects and extend your recovery period. If you are going out in the sun, especially during the summer months, be sure to apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen, of at least SPF30, regularly.

During Your Treatment

Welcomed to the clinic & Protective Measures

On the day of your treatment, you will be greeted by your practitioner at the clinic, who will then lead you to the treatment room, ensure that you are comfortable, and give you the opportunity to ask any questions. Once you are happy to begin the treatment your practitioner may provide you with protective eyewear if necessary to protect your eyes from the laser.

Although this treatment is considered pain-free, for those with a low pain threshold, local anaesthetic will be available upon request. Please let your practitioner know that you would like this, before starting your treatment.

Applying the Soprano Titanium Laser

During the treatment itself, your practitioner will start by applying a cooling gel to the treated area, and then use the handheld device to direct powerful light and heat energy at the hair follicle to destroy the hair at its root. The practitioner will use a sweeping motion to cover the treated area, similar to a brushing motion over the area.

It is important to communicate with your practitioner if you are feeling discomfort or having any issues during the treatment.

Duration, Sessions, and Results

The treatment itself can take anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour, depending on the size of the area being treated and the density of the hair. If you are looking for long-lasting hair reduction, a single laser hair removal session is not a permanent solution; however, a course of 6-8 sessions can provide near-permanent results for most people.

Different areas of hair grow faster than others but you can expect results from a single session to last anywhere from 4-8 weeks before requiring a top-up. For permanent results, we would recommend a course of 6-10 sessions. Results will vary from person to person based on the volume and density of the hair.

After Your Treatment

Expected Side Effects

Side effects from laser hair removal are often minor, contained to the area treated and often subside quickly. Common side effects of this treatment include redness at the treatment site, a warm feeling to the skin, and slight skin irritation or itchiness. The practitioner providing your treatment will provide appropriate aftercare advice following your treatment.

Follow your practitioners Aftercare advice

Although aftercare for laser hair removal is minimal, it is important to follow the guidelines laid out by your practitioner to ensure that you get the results you deserve. For an extensive breakdown of the best aftercare to maximise and protect your results, read our Aftercare Guide for Laser Hair Removal.

Shedding & Hair Regrowth

In the days and weeks following your treatment, it is normal to notice the treated hair starting to shed. This is typically what happens following a laser hair removal treatment as the body expels the broken-down hair follicles from the skin.

It’s important to understand that not all of the treated hair will shed at once, and multiple sessions may be required to achieve the full results you desire.

Book top-up sessions in advance

Book your hair removal top-ups in advance to avoid waiting for your next session, as clinics can often become busy during peak months. To maintain your results, we recommend having your follow-up treatments every 4 to 8 weeks, depending on your individual needs.

Speak to our treatment specialists about your hair removal goals

We hope the information above has helped you understand what you can expect before, during and after your laser hair removal treatment. We always recommend this treatment for those looking for a quick and effective alternative to traditional hair removal methods with unmatched results.

If your questions weren’t answered or you want to discuss your treatment, contact our team to take the first step to softer, smoother skin. You can book your consultation online through our booking portal.

We hope to see you soon!