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What to expect from your Profhilo Treatment: Before, During & After

In recent years, aesthetic treatments have seen a remarkable advancement in providing various non-surgical treatments. One such treatment which is gaining popularity is Profhilo Injections.

Considered a revolutionary injectable treatment, Profhilo aims to rejuvenate the skin and restore a youthful appearance using a unique hyaluronic acid injectable gel to prolong stimulating activity on your dermal cells. When injected into the skin, Profhilo® encourages your skin to counteract skin laxity and improve firmness. Read our Complete Guide to Profhilo Treatment for more information about this treatment.

If you’re considering Profhilo but don’t know what to expect, in this blog, the specialists at our clinic in Essex will provide you with a comprehensive overview of what to expect before, during, and after the treatment.

Before your treatment


Before you undergo any treatment, it is extremely important to carry out an initial consultation with your practitioner. This will allow them to understand your medical history, answer any questions, and help relieve any concerns you may have about the treatment.

We recommend you choose a medically qualified practitioner who is also CQC-registered for your treatment. If not, you may risk complications during the treatment and not receive the promised results.

Developing a unique treatment plan

Based on your initial consultation, your practitioner will create a unique treatment plan tailored to your needs and the results you would like to achieve. This will include relevant timelines to be expected, the number of sessions needed to achieve desired results, and any unique pre-treatment or post-treatment recommendations.

Pre-treatment preparations

In the days leading up to your Profhilo treatment, we advise you to avoid alcohol, non-prescription blood-thinning medications, and strenuous exercise. It is also important to inform your practitioner about any allergies or medications you’re currently taking; however, this will likely be covered during your initial consultation.

If things change between your consultation and first treatment, please inform your practitioner, who can plan accordingly for your treatment.

During Your Treatment

Welcomed to the clinic & treatment preparations

On the day of your treatment, you will be greeted by your practitioner at the clinic, who will then lead you to the treatment room, ensure that you are comfortable, and allow you to ask any questions.

Although this treatment is considered pain-free, a local anaesthetic can be made available upon request for those with a low pain threshold. Please let your practitioner know you would like this before starting your treatment.

Administering your Skin Booster Injections

As you may know, Profhilo is injected into specific points on the face or other areas requiring treatment. The number of injections and treated areas will be confirmed with you in your initial consultation and again on the day of your treatment to ensure that you receive the desired treatment.

The procedure is generally quick and relatively painless due to the product’s high spreadability and the use of fine needles. Your practitioners may apply a topical anaesthetic beforehand to minimise any discomfort. Please make your practitioner aware of this, if necessary, before your treatment.

Injection technique

The practitioner will use a specialist technique to deliver your treatment effectively. The Profhilo procedure typically involves a series of injections, and the practitioner may massage the treated areas afterwards to ensure that the solution is distributed throughout the area properly.

Treatment duration

A Profhilo treatment usually takes around 30 minutes, making it convenient for those with busy schedules. The exact number of sessions required will depend on your individual needs, but most individuals undergo two treatment sessions with a month-long interval in between.

After Your Treatment

Immediate effects

Following the treatment, there are some minor side effects to be aware of. You may experience mild swelling, redness, or bruising around the injection sites; however, these effects are generally temporary and often subside within a few hours or days.

If your side effects do linger for longer than a week, please get in touch with your practitioner, who will be able to advise on when to contact your GP.

Recovery & Aftercare

You’ll be pleased to know that Profhilo has minimal downtime, and you can resume your daily activities immediately after your treatment. With that said, it’s essential to follow any specific aftercare instructions provided by your practitioner, such as avoiding excessive sun exposure, extreme temperatures, or vigorous exercise for a short period.

For more detailed information about maximising your results after treatment, read our Aftercare Guide for Profhilo.

Results & Maintenance

The effects of Profhilo become noticeable gradually over time as the product stimulates collagen and elastin production. Following your treatment, you will notice improved skin hydration, texture, and overall firmness each week. People often like this about Profhilo as results continue to improve for weeks after your initial treatment.

To maintain the results, it’s recommended to undergo additional treatment sessions every six to twelve months, depending on your circumstances. We recommend booking your Profhilo top-ups to avoid waiting for your next session, as clinics can often become busy during peak months.

Speak to our treatment specialists about your hair removal goals

We hope the information above has helped you understand what you can expect before, during and after your Profhilo treatment. We always recommend this treatment for those looking for an effective rejuvenation treatment that encourages collagen production and improves skin health and texture.

If your questions weren’t answered, or you want to discuss your treatment, contact our team to take the first step to rejuvenated, hydrated, and firmer skin. You can book your consultation online through our booking portal.

We hope to see you soon!